Cut the crap.
Ditch bias.
hire smarter.
hire smarter.
Cut the crap.
Let's talk about better hiring better hiring
Great hiring happens in many ways. From quick chats that solve everything in 10 minutes, to detailed procurement discussions that reshape entire departments. We're here for all of it.
Two ways to reach us:
Testing real
skills first.
skills first.
Resumes lie. Skills don’t.
Testing real
skills first.
skills first.
Resumes lie. Skills don’t.
Whether you are:
We turn gut feel into real data
AI-written resumes into proven skills, and hiring headaches into hiring wins. Because in a world where ChatGPT writes every resume, testing real skills isn’t just smart - it’s essential.
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Based in London, showing up wherever great hiring happens.
(Because some conversations deserve decent coffee and a whiteboard. We'll bring both).