Assessing Candidates for the Top 10 Skills of the Future

March 29, 2024

Skills of the Future

Believe it or not, the future of recruitment looks bright - but only if done correctly.

There’s been a massive shift in how potential hires are assessed, where most of the old “rules” on candidate vetting are simply no longer relevant - nowadays there’s a lot more emphasis on skills. As workplace demands change at lightning speed, we look to explore what the candidates of the future should look like.

Here, we’ve identified the top 10 personas that will be the most attractive hires in years to come.

The Empathizer

Look for candidates who have a high emotional intelligence - we can’t stress this enough. Employees who can understand others’ points of view will be considerably more successful when it comes to managing workplace conflicts. And people with a high EQ will also be better at following instructions and seeking out help when necessary.

The Team Player

Build a business that’s brimming with team players - there’s no reason to settle for less. When you employ people who actively seek out ways to help you can rest assured that you’ll keep office politics at bay. Having a desire to help means being a great fit for any workplace, from working with colleagues to managing clients.

The One That’s Open Minded

Having an open mind is crucial when it comes to cooperating in a professional setting. This covers the ability to find compromises and to get along with various personality types. A productive employee will be a skilled negotiator, understanding that it’s not a case of “my way or the high”. Considering the prospect that there are more sides to every story is an important trait in someone you’re looking to hire.

And being open-minded will also be useful for those in the creative industries. Seek out to find thinkers with a strong sense of curiosity, rather than those set in their ways.

The Leader

A false sense of leadership is a bad trait for a person to possess, but when a true leader comes along you’ll know you’ve struck gold. Employees that are able to motivate and inspire coworkers are extremely valuable. You also need to choose people who will be able to rise through the ranks while maintaining a sense of perspective.

The Great Communicator

Communicating is the first thing we learn as children, but most adults seem to lose the skill as they get older. An employee that’s able to communicate is a godsend for any business. This is the type of person that will be comfortable in a group setting, but also to work as an individual. As with anything, when a curve-ball comes their way, this is the type of employee that will know how to pivot into a new direction and roll with the punches if needed. Good communication is crucial at every step of this process.

The Decision Maker

Making good judgments is not a skill that everyone possess. It requires a methodical approach, so look at people that can think exercise critical thinking when asked to make judgments in entirely new situations.

This trait ties back into emotional intelligent as people with high EQ will keep calm and judge situations rationally. They are far less likely to make an impulsive choice as part of their process will be considering all sides of the issue.

The Problem Solver

Great problem-solvers will make work life a lot easier for themselves, and those around them. This type of person can identify the most important parts of a problem, without the need for additional details. They’ll recognize potential solutions, choose the best option and and approach a problem from a new angle.

The Critical Thinker

If you want good decisions to be made in your business, you need staff that can practice critical thinking. This type of approach will also be beneficial when having to handle difficult clients and projects. Typically a critical thinker will also be a problem solver, and a good leader.

The Culture Vulture

Company culture is what every business has been talking about for the last couple of years. And it’s growing in importance. As more emphasis is put on finding the perfect “cultural fit” for their business, candidates need to be aware that they need to make an effort when it comes to fitting in. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable when entering a new workplace, making sure that you can feel part of the team from day one.

A Final Thought

When in doubt, take a page out of Apple’s book. When questioned on his hiring practices, Steve Jobs defined leadership as "having a vision, being able to articulate that so people around you can understand it, and getting a consensus on a common vision.” And we couldn’t agree more.

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