Best Linux Interview Questions To Ask A Candidate
July 12, 2023

Interacting with Linux is integral to managing and developing network infrastructure, security applications, system administration, and in plenty of other tech-related roles. This is why it's crucial to ask the right Linux interview questions when evaluating candidates.
What are the best Linux interview questions?
To help you identify the right fit for your firm, we've crafted a list of the 15 best Linux interview questions you should be asking prospective candidates. We will also give you a brief justification as to why you should use them, allowing you to understand the value of each question.
1. Can you illustrate the Linux Kernel architecture?
Knowing the Linux Kernel architecture is a significant aspect of Linux as it's an integral part of the system. Being aware of tasks like process scheduling and memory management defines one's expertise in Linux. This question really assesses a candidate's level of understanding regarding the Linux Kernel.
2. What is Bash and how do you use it in Linux?
The Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is the default command-line interface for most Linux systems. A professional's understanding of how to use it will demonstrate their interface management skills and knowledge of executing scripts.
3. What are the key differences between Linux and Unix?
Aside from determining the candidate's depth of knowledge about operating systems, this question can help you gauge their comparative analysis skills—an essential trait when configuring or transitioning systems.
4. What is a Daemon in Linux? Why is it essential?
Daemons are background services running on the system. The way a candidate explains the significance of Daemons reflects their understanding of Linux's internal workings, which is crucial for system administrators and other similar roles.
5. What are 'Inodes' in Linux?
This tests the technical understanding of candidates. Knowledge of 'Inodes', which store essential information about files in Linux systems, is important when deep-diving into file system troubleshooting and management.
6. Can you describe the Linux Boot Process?
Essential system knowledge, the Linux boot process, can provide insight into a candidate's understanding of the Linux OS's lifecycle and how it functions right from boot up to shut down.
7. Explain the directory structure in the Linux system.
Understanding the hierarchical structure of Linux directories is crucial for navigation, managing files and folders, and overall proficiency in Linux. This is an essential question for most IT roles involving Linux.
8. How do you install and update packages using RPM and YUM in Linux?
Package management is a significant aspect of system administration. The candidate's experience with RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) and YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) reflects their ability to handle software needs within a Red Hat environment.
9. What are environment variables and how would you use them?
A professional's adaptability to work with environment variables in Linux can boost their performance when writing scripts or automating tasks, making this an essential query during interviews.
10. Explain the process of user and group management in Linux.
This addresses the security aspect of Linux. Querying candidates about User and Group management can help you understand their abilities in the nuanced complexities of Linux security administration.
11. What are Linux file permissions and why are they important?
File permissions act as a form of access control for various users and groups. A candidate's awareness regarding Linux file permissions also determines their aptitude in maintaining system security and data integrity.
12. What is a Linux Distro, and which one do you prefer?
This question provides insight into a candidate's experience with various distributions of Linux, displaying their breadth of knowledge and preference towards certain work environments.
13. How familiar are you with IPTABLES in Linux, and how have you used it before?
Understanding IPTABLES controls the incoming and outgoing traffic in Linux. By asking this question, you can validate the candidate's experience with network security controls in a Linux environment.
14. How do you monitor performance in Linux?
This question allows you to assess a candidate's proficiency in monitoring and optimizing Linux systems, ensuring efficient resource utilization, identifying bottlenecks, and troubleshooting performance issues, which are critical skills for maintaining system stability and performance.
15. What is the 'cron' job in Linux?
Knowledge of ‘cron’ jobs demonstrates their familiarity with setting up and managing recurring tasks, such as system maintenance, backups, and script execution, which are essential for efficient system administration.
Is there another way to assess Linux skills?
While asking the right Linux interview questions is crucial for evaluating a developer's knowledge and skills, it is equally important to incorporate a Linux test into the hiring process. A Linux test allows you to objectively assess a candidate's practical abilities and problem-solving approach.
By combining targeted interview questions with a pre-employment test, you can make more informed decisions, ensuring you hire developers who possess both theoretical knowledge and practical competence in Linux
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